Bases: libavg.avg.FXNode
Blurs the node it is applied to. Corresponds to the Gaussian Blur effect in Photoshop.
The width of the blur. This corresponds to the radius parameter of photoshop.
Bases: libavg.avg.FXNode
A high-quality realtime chroma key (greenscreen or bluescreen) effect. Can be configured by using the script. The effect is carried out in the HSL colorspace (
The color to key out. Pixels of this and similar colors are made transparent.
Removes single non-keyed-out pixels in larger transparent areas. Values > 1 remove larger areas. Useful for removing camera noise.
Hue tolerance for the key color.
Lightness tolerance for the key color.
softness > 0 causes pixels with a color close to the keyed-out colors to become partially transparent. Greater values increase this effect.
Often, people in greenscreen studios aquire a greenish tint. Spill removal works against this by desaturating pixels that are close to the key color. Larger values cause more desaturation.
Saturation tolerance for the key color.
Bases: Boost.Python.instance
Base class for GPU-based effects. These effects can be added to any Node by calling Node:setEffect().
Bases: libavg.avg.FXNode
Color correction filter that works by converting pixels to the hsl color space (, changing the values there and converting back to rgb. Can be used to change hue, saturation and lightness of a node. Corresponds to the Photoshop Hue/Saturation dialog.
Used to get/set the color angle. Ranges depend on the current colorize mode and are the same as in Photoshop.
Set saturation of Node. Valid values are the same as in Photoshop.
Bases: libavg.avg.FXNode
Color Invert Effect. Inverts the brightness of nodes that it is attached to.
Bases: libavg.avg.FXNode
Do-nothing effect. Exists primarily as aid in debugging libavg.
Bases: libavg.avg.FXNode
Adds a shadow behind the node.
Deprecated since version 1.5.
An adjustment to the shadow’s position behind the node in pixels.
The blur radius of the shadow.
The opacity of the shadow.
The shadow color.